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Esse tipo de coleta, natural da internet, muitas vezes não depende da vontade da Magic Web Design, mas é necessário para o próprio funcionamento dos plug-ins e ferramentas citadas. Você tem o direito de restringir o acesso a cookies ou navegar de forma anônima, configurando seu navegador por conta própria. Alertamos que ao restringir seu acesso a cookies ou navegar de forma anônima, algumas funcionalidades do site ou blog podem não operar satisfatoriamente.
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A Magic Web Design declara que firma, com todos os seus colaboradores diretos, um termo acessório ao contrato de trabalho que discorre sobre nossa política de privacidade e aderências às leis de privacidade, anticorrupção, sigilo profissional, não concorrência e outros.
Nossos colaboradores, que trabalham justamente em layout, codificação, desenvolvimento e publicação de projetos web, além de marketing de forma ampla, naturalmente podem ter contato com dados coletados de nossos clientes e contatos comerciais. Resta seguro, entretanto, que as obrigações aqui assumidas se estendem diretamente aos nossos colaboradores, que guardam para conosco as mesmas obrigações.
A Magic Web Design mantém, com um grupo específico de fornecedores, contratos que dispõem de forma bastante rigorosa sobre a privacidade de dados, especialmente com relação a obrigações previstas na LGPD. Tais fornecedores não possuem acesso à totalidade dos dados coletados por nós, mas apenas àqueles necessários para a realização da tarefa subcontratada, de forma específica.
A Magic Web Design fará tudo que estiver ao seu alcance não somente para proteger os dados coletados e suboperados, mas também para aplicar as penas da lei a colaboradores indiretos que não atendam à conformidade exigida ou incorram em brecha de privacidade.
A Magic Web Design mantém uma política bastante aberta sobre a coleta e uso de dados dos nossos clientes e pessoas que estabelecem qualquer relação comercial conosco.
Se você tiver dúvidas sobre nossa Política de Privacidade e Tratamento de Dados, entre em contato a qualquer momento ou, preferencialmente, utilize a caixa postal para conversar diretamente com nosso DPO (Data Protection Officer).
Nosso prazo de resposta é de 2 dias úteis. Caso necessite de contato com mais urgência, por favor, telefone para os números de contato disponíveis em nosso site.
BabyBoo Diapers were developed with the same care you have for your baby!
SEPAC�s new children�s products line, the group from the city of Mallet, Brazil with over 40 years of activity on the market, was launched backed by artist couple Michel Tel� and Thais Fersoza acting as brand ambassadors.
Magic develops BabyBoo�s digital communication, through strategies for social media, content marketing and Inbound Marketing.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Learn about the project.
Access the siteSEPAC is an industrial concern in the city of Mallet, state of Paran�, Brazil, market leader in the Southern Region and responsible for more than 2/3 of the tissue paper produced in the state.
The product brands produced are: toilet paper Duetto and Paloma, paper towels Maxim and Stylus and disposable diapers BabyBoo.
Magic develops SEPAC�s digital communication, through creation of websites, social media management and content marketing strategies.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Learn about the project. Visit the website.
Access the siteTempur Sealy is the world�s largest mattress manufacturer, present in over 80 countries. In Brazil, their exclusive collections can be found in the BedTime stores.
Their best-known brand, TEMPUR�, is the only one licensed by the US Space Foundation, with the open cell viscoelastic memory foam having been developed in a partnership with NASA.
In its turn, BedTime, was launched as a stand-alone spring mattress and pillow line compliant with an international excellence and quality standard.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Developing aerosol technology since 2006, Aeroflex owns the Mundial Prime brand that addresses the automotive, construction and spray paint segments with a portfolio comprised of more than 300 products.
In 2016, the company launched another two corporate brands, My Health (cosmetics, aesthetics and well-being) and My Place (products targeted at home use).
Magic addresses Aeroflex and its brands in all their digital communications, creating websites, managing their social media and content marketing strategy with Inbound Marketing.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Learn about the project.
Access the blogPortal IC Industrial and Corporate Parks has acted for over 27 years in building and leasing facilities in industrial condominiums, with a portfolio of over 320,000 m� of modular warehouses.
Portal do Porto, unique location on the East Ringroad (Contorno Leste) in the city of S�o Jos� dos Pinhais, Brazil, won the acknowledged Pini Award, being considered the country�s best industrial condominium in class Infrastructure Works.
Magic performed for Portal IC a complete rebranding project, creating website and content marketing with social media management.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Learn about the project.
Access the siteLaguna Realty is a reference in construction of high end residential and corporate buildings, situated in the noblest regions of the city of Curitiba.
The construction company has been in activity since 1996, and, in these 20 years, pioneered the implementation of LEED certification in Brazil (internationally recognized green seal).
Laguna ventures offer a combination of luxury, sustainability and differentiated architecture.
This is a feature case in digital marketing.
Click here and learn more about it.Learn about the project.
Access the siteAdemilar Cons�rcio de Investimento Imobili�rio was established in Curitiba and has several units throughout the country.
Specialized in real estate property cons�rcio, the company also offers products like Property Retirement and addresses over 50 thousand customers.
Inspected by the Banco Central, Ademilar is the state of Paran�s largest real estate property cons�rcio administrator and has already sold credits in excess of 14 billion reais.
This is a digital marketing standout case.
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Access the siteCEABS Servi�os, a company of the Europ Assistance group, was established in 2011. The corporate focus is in offering quality in customer care and service delivery in solutions involving mobility and tracking of goods and people in Brazil.
CEABS products are characterized by technological innovation. Intelligent deployment of telematics is one of the differentials applied to services such as fleet and freight tracking, among others.
In its headquarters, located in downtown Curitiba/PR, the company has over 350 employees, plus more than 1000 product installation and maintenance professionals allocated throughout the entire country.
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Access the siteBanco de Eventos (BE) is a live marketing agency with broad know-how in activations, congresses, conventions, events, promotions, launches, POS, incentives and trials.
The agency is part of the Holding Clube, the country�s largest live marketing group as well as one of the largest communication groups.
Nike, LOL, Samsung, Louis Vuitton, Sadia, LATAM, Natura, Mercedes, AmBEV are among the clients addressed by BE.
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Access the siteMarca Laser has acted on the promotional products and gifts market since 1997, using cutting edge technology in its production lines and counting with in-house developed processes, such as �Tech Screen� and �Splash Color�, among others.
The company acts through a development office in China and headquarters in the city of Pinhais, state of Paran�, with corporate sales covering all of Brazil.
Marca Laser�s website features intelligent predictive search and category-based division for fast and effective browsing in the product catalog.
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Access the siteMizza develops and markets high quality design furniture manufactured for a number of market segments, from large decoration stores to corporate clients.
In addition to the De Luxe collection, Mizza For All offers a more affordable product line, with the objective of democratizing design, adding functionality and quality to large store portfolios.
This is one more Magic Web Design 360° Marketing Communications customer.
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Access the siteJRD offers complete solutions for Trade Marketing departments, using logistics as the integration component through 60 distribution centers in all Brazil, operating with offices in the metropolitan regions of Curitiba and S�o Paulo.
JRD pioneered online service management in the sector, through a long-term relationship with Magic started over 15 years ago.
Today, Volvo, Bosch, Shell, L�Or�al and McDonald�s are among the company�s clients through an exclusive Promotional Logistics System built by Magic and integrated to the corporate ERP, in addition to an Android application for delivery confirmation and control of routes.
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Access the siteIcoinomia is a Brazilian website operating in the cryptocurrency sector. Performing the role of impartial agency, they offer a ranking to compare values and other indices for Bitcoins and Altcoins.
Icoinomia represents an unprecedented bet on the virtual coin market, proposing not only to make available public data for Brazilian exchanges, but also to act in providing credibility for the sector and in defense of investor interests.
Magic develops the website and manages the Institute�s digital marketing, with presence in social media and content marketing strategy for the blog.
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Access the siteEstablished in 1995, Magic Hologram is a company of the Magic group with a tradition in addressing the areas of events, authentication and control all over Brazil.
Hologram`s main products are holographic seals, produced in a wide range of sizes and finishing styles, for applications in security, authentication, sealing or simply commemorative uses.
The company also offers access/movement control wristbands in Tyvek and other materials, in addition to counterfeit proof tickets, which some establishments even use as internal currency.
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Access the siteActing in São Paulo, Brazil, for over 12 years, Rede Magic is a digital agency specializing in promotional marketing actions and security for technology services in online environments.
Part of the Magic Web Design group, Rede Magic activates hotsites for promotional campaigns, developed directly for customers or in partnerships with live marketing agencies such as Batuque Promo, Aktuellmix, Avantgarde, TMSW and Agência Tudo; in addition to communication agencies like Africa, DPZ&T and others.
The following are among Rede Magic`s clients: Itaú Unibanco, Rede, Weber Quartzolit, Cielo, Grupo Petrópolis (Itaipava and Crystal), Ferrero, McDonald`s, Danone, Goodyear and Yamaha.
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Access the siteMinhaPromo.com is the first promotional campaign automation platform.
Prize draws, contests, incentive schemes and other commercial promotion modalities in compliance with Brazilian regulations can be operationalized automatically through MinhaPromo.com. The action�s hot site can be easily customized with the campaign logo, theme, content and colors.
The platform is a Rede Magic product, a digital agency with over 12 years in activity and part of the Magic Web Design group, developer of the website.
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Access the siteA Magic Web Design coleta cookies com dados não confidenciais para facilitar sua navegação em nosso website e blog. Para obter maiores detalhes a respeito, consulte nossa Política Sobre Uso de Cookies. Você pode conhecer também nossa Política de Privacidade e Tratamento de Dados. Ao prosseguir navegando em nosso website ou blog, você concorda com nossa política.